Sunday 19 November 2017

Word cloud app to make cloud of words
Hello friends, if you are searching for word cloud app to make images then your search end here.‘word cloud’ this is the name of the app you can download it from play store
How it works
After Downloading, when you open the app.You will see an example of image which is made of cloud of words
You can make more images for yourself from the given features in the bottom of the screen

Use of features
 Words—you can delete the words which are written there and add your words from which you want to make cloud, the word you want in center of the image, write it on the last number or replace it on the top of the words

Colors— you can set the color pattern for the words from here

Shape—Different shapes are given there you can choose any of them for your image
Font-- Many fonts are available for use, you can select all of them if you want your all words in differ font or choose few of them or just one you can select & deselect the according to your use. If you deselect every font then the app will use simple font for your words

Size—you can select the size of your words in the image
If you want some more options you need to tap on other & you will be able to see three more features
Rotate— This option will be useful if you want to change or rotate the position of words

Autofill—It will fill the words in shape or image in different auto-mode forms
Borders—It will just show an image made of cloud of words in the shape you have selected but without the borders or outline of shape

From these 3 dots given at the top of the right corner you can find option for share, save and show save clouds

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Happy Blogging

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